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I feel in the last few posts I’ve been putting on a voice that just isn’t me.

Everything I’ve shared on this blog so far has been stuff that’s helped me, and I certainly wouldn’t change any of it. It’s just the tone of the last few posts which don’t feel right to me. I think it sounds like I’m telling you that you’re not ok as you are right now and that you should change in someway, like starting to freewrite everyday or practice body awareness 24-7.

The reality is: you don’t need to change, and neither do I.

Sharing my personal experiences and observations is how I naturally interact with others, so why should I share any differently here?

I thought I needed to sound official, like I needed to know every little detail about everything I said and sound like the next Tony Robbins for you to be interested in what I’m saying. I’m realising that’s just not true.

Maybe this lifestyle-coach tone isn’t as obvious to you as it is to me. But I guess it bothers me way more knowing that isn’t how I usually talk – which seems pretty ironic seeing as everything I share here is about being yourself.

I wasn’t allowing myself to just share as me, Benjamin – a guy who hasn’t taken professional writing classes, or discovered how to cure cancer… yet. I’m just plain ol’ vanilla Benjamin – a guy who’s gone through some challenging times and learned some things along the way.

I’m looking forward to sharing more from me and less from who I think I should be.


The Blog

The B is for Being Blog is an open journal where Ben shares his thoughts, insights, and experiences as he uncovers his authentic expression.


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About Benjamin

Hi, I’m Benjamin. I podcast and blog about authentic expression and self-discovery. I also make slow-videos for rest and reflection. You can read more about me here.

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